How To Download And Connect To Hack The Box Vpn

How To Download And Connect To Hack The Box Vpn

Hack the box VPN makes you stay anonymous in your testing and it optional to run it before starting any attack testing on hack the box website. So how to do it is very it to download and run it. you can also learn how to get hack the box invite code here

First of all login to you hack the box dashboard

How To Download And Connect To Hack The Box Vpn
2, Now download the VPN by clicking on here pop up window as shown in the screenshot below and your "you have to chosen to open" will your username.ovpn.

How To Download And Connect To Hack The Box Vpn

3, Open to your terminal am running kali Linux and navigate to where your file was downloaded to mine is in the Downloads/ folder so I will type in cd Downloads/ hit enter and ls to show where you're my ls command shows me my VPN.

Now let's run VPN use this command to run it type in your downloaded file name mine kelvin so I will type openvpn kelvin1.ovpn hit enter to start your VPN.

How To Download And Connect To Hack The Box Vpn
4, Now wait to tell it to complete connected

How To Download And Connect To Hack The Box Vpn
5, Check if it has successfully connected to your hardware by running ifconfig in the terminal

How To Download And Connect To Hack The Box Vpn
Congratulation you have successfully connected to the VPN now you can access any machine.

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