Removing malware from your computer is a very important step you must take to protect your Windows operating system and prevent personal information being stolen from you. Malware, when it is infecting your computer, can be harmful in one of several ways depending upon the type of malware it is. So, what type of malware cleaner should be used for protection from these parasites? In this article, we will explain.
Malicious Software
Malware is a slang term for malicious software. It refers to any type of software program that can enter your computer from either, the Internet or via a disk or CD. Viruses are a type of malware. Spyware, adware, worms and Trojans are also popular types of malware. Usually, it is the Internet malware uses to infect your computer.
Some types of malware enter your PC through your e-mail messages. These types of parasites usually come as e-mail attachments. When you open your e-mail attachment the malware is set loose. This is a very popular way viruses infect computers. Still, other types of malware, namely spyware and adware, simply enter your operating system as you surf the web.
Malware Uses up Your Computer's Resources
It is important to note malware are types of software. So when you are infected by them, they are running on your computer even though you haven't double-clicked an icon to open them. When several parasites have infected your computer, they can steal a lot of your computer's resources. This will make your computer run slowly and any inefficiently.
Your computer's resources aren't all malware is out to steal. Malware wants to find out everything about you it can. Some types of malware are only interested in your shopping patterns. Other types of malware will watch over your shoulder as you enter passwords and banking account numbers!
Microsoft's Removal Tool
Microsoft has developed a malware removal tool. It can be downloaded for free from Microsoft's website. On their webpage they tell you the malware removal tool helps remove prevalent malicious software from Windows 7, Vista and XP. Though it is a good idea to have this tool, the words help and prevalent indicate it will not give you 100% protection from all types of malware.
For those of us who are interested in being 100% protected from malware at all times it is a good idea to have a top rated spyware cleaner installed on your computer. If you are sure you are not protected from malware, it would be wise to install such a tool very quickly. However, there are some virus cleaners that also protect computers from malware as well. So, before purchasing a spyware cleaner, you might want to check to see if your virus cleaner will give you malware protection.
If you don't have any virus or spyware protection, both you and your computer are very vulnerable. So, you could install a good spyware cleaner since they actually protect computers from viruses as well. Even if you decide just to use the malware removal tool alone, it will give you some protection, which of course, is better than having no protection at all.
The author, Ed Lathrop is a comp TIA A+/Network+ certified computer technician familiar with the operation, repair and upkeep of today's PC's. His site, Antispyware Review [http://bestantispywarereview.com], rates the latest spyware cleaners and tells which work great and which ones might actually be dangerous to your computer. Also, Make Your Broadband Faster [http://speedupcomputer.net/make-your-broadband-faster.htm] shows you how to get more speed out of your internet connection and your PC in general!
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Edward_Lathrop/156228
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