Ad Spying Tools - What They Are and How They Work

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Pay per click advertising has become an increasingly popular tool for small businesses and large businesses alike for generating immediate traffic to a website. Due to the growing popularity of pay per click advertising, the competition for ad placement at the top of the search results page has also increased. As a result, many advertisers are opting to use ad spying tools.

What Are Ad Spying Tools?

Ad spying tools are tools used by pay per click advertisers as a means to increase their website profits and the return on investment for advertising costs. The tools are used by both Internet marketers and affiliate marketers to gain the edge over other competitors by spying on their pay per click advertising campaign.

How Do Ad Spying Tools Work?

A pay per click ad spying tool works by gathering information from other pay per click ads that appear on the search engine pages such as Google or Yahoo.

Provide the Keywords: You type in the keywords in a special monitoring tool that pertains to your particular product or service.
Collect the Matching Ads: After your keywords are entered into the monitoring tool, it will collect all of the matching ads from the search engine pages for analysis.
Analyze the Matching Ads: Once the ads are collected they are ready for analysis and research. The system will scan the ads for a period of days and then provide you with an analysis of which ones are profitable and why.
Use the Matching Ads: Once you have discovered which ads are producing a profit, use the same keywords and ads from your competitors to make money in the same manner.
Keep in mind that some will make assumptions during the monitoring process. The assumption is based on the premise that if a certain keyword repeated appears for a number of consecutive days it is considered to be profitable and the PPC ad is producing a good return on investment. Other ad spying tools provide you with the accurate information you need to ensure success in your PPC affiliate marketing campaign.

Benefits of Ad Spying Tools

Ad spying tools provide significant benefits to a pay per click affiliate marketing campaign.

Save Time: Ad spying tools will save you hours of valuable time and allow you to concentrate on other aspects of your business. Think of the time it would take you to gather all of that information by hand, provided it is at all possible to do so.
Scan Thousands of Keywords: They are capable of scanning thousands of keywords across multiple search engines.
Gather Multiple Ads: Ad spying tools can help you gather literally thousands of ads in a short time span. This is especially useful if you have a large keyword list.
If you are serious about creating a successful PPC affiliate marketing campaign, then you may also want to be serious about investing in a good ad spying tool to save you time and hassles, as well as gaining the competitive advantage over your competition.

Yes, Guarani is a co-founder of PPC Bully, a keyword research tool for pay-per-click advertisers that spy on your competition and uncovers your competitors' winning combinations of keywords, ads, merchants and landing pages, so you can dominate the PPC playground.
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